Thursday, December 20, 2012

My End of the World To Do List

Tomorrow is 12-21-12, which some people say, according to the ancient Mayan calendar, is the day the world will end. I'm pretty confident that the sun will rise tomorrow morning and Friday the 21st will turn out to be a pretty regular day. But just in case I'm wrong, I've put together my End of the World To-Do list.

Here's how I want to spend my last day on earth.

1. Play music, sing loudly and dance my ass off! Here's a good tune for today. Play it while you read through my list.

2. Take my Westie Kelly for a long walk. I know it's yucky out there, but it's her last day too and she loves nothing more than a good romp. I get such vicarious pleasure out of her full bodied, eager alertness.

3. Go to the beach and look out at Lake Michigan and be awed and grateful for this amazing life where most of the time, things go absolutely right.

4. Dress fancy. Wear my good underwear and my good jewelry. Douse myself with perfume. Curl my eyelashes.

5. Get a massage and have a leisurely lunch with a dear friend. Lucky me, this is already on my calendar! See you at noon at Asha Spa in Evanston, Steph.

6. Hug and kiss my kids and give them my loving, warm attention all day  - with no nagging! (Oops, I've already  violated this one - sorry Emma, but you should have got out of bed the first time I woke you up.)

7. Call my parents.

8. Lie on my back under the Christmas tree and look up through the branches. Shake all the presents addressed to me and guess what's in them.

9. Eat whatever damn thing I want. And that definitely includes french fries.

10. In the evening, take a long hot bubble bath with a glass of wine and Mary Oliver's beautiful volume of poetry, A Thousand Mornings. Slather myself with all the lotions and potions I've been saving for some other day.

11. Slip into bed all fragrant and clean and warm. Snuggle up to my hubby. Expect something nice to happen.

12. Pop half an Ambien and sleep like a baby. I usually reserve Ambien for transcontinental flights, but hey, it's important to be well-rested for the end of the world.

Okay, I'm heading out for that walk with Kelly. But I'd love to hear  - what will you do today?
#2 & #3 Check

#8 Done!

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