Monday, April 19, 2010

The irresistible lure of traffic and hits

Dear Reader,

I'm still writing like crazy, but just not here at Forty Fabulous as much. I've been seduced by the bigger platform and higher readership that my other site over at True/Slant delivers. Please follow me there at to read my latest on:

1. The dangerous practice of kids "huffing" inhalants to get high, and
2. Why I admire Covergirl's unlikely spokesmodel, Ellen DeGeneres

True/Slant has over 200 amazing contributors and great discussions. Here are a couple of my favorite chick writers for you to sample:

Lisa Cullen, Wasabi Mama
Molly Knefel, Blogging Molly
Hilary Shenfeld, Suburbanista

I'll continue posting here as well - please feel free to join the conversation on either site!


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